Sunday, June 8, 2008

Midnight Snack

Lets go back to that trip home a few weeks ago... is a picture of Tessa eating a snack at the SLC airport. We arrived at 10:30 MDT which is (for the math/geography challenged) 12:30 EDT.

(I've been clearing pictures off my phone, can you tell?)


Jamie said...

The look of your blog is SOOO cute! She looks like Laura to me in the picture on the right. So did you ever get a new camera or are you still using your phone?

LaQuejadora said...

poor baby! i can't believe she was even awake at that time let alone not screaming her head off. The fact that she is just sitting there eating a cracker is a huge testament to your skills as a mommy.

Maria said...

"The fact that she is just sitting there eating a cracker is a huge testament to" your friend's lack of arriving on time. SORRY!! :)