From: Aaron Udy
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 8:56 AM
To: The Press
Subject: My 17 month old can read!
Aaron U**
From: Aaron Udy
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 8:56 AM
To: The Press
Subject: My 17 month old can read!
Aaron U**
Posted by Sweet Em at 1:37 PM 5 comments
Labels: Aaron, Bragging, Email from Aaron, Silly, Video
We are in our 5th of 15 weeks that we will be getting veggies grown and picked speccially for us by a local farmer. So far its been an adventure. The first week I had to google each item in the list of that week's produce and compare it to what I held in my hand. Sometimes I got it right - but leafy greens look a lot like leafy greens, so sometimes I didn't.
So I google my food, then google a recipe to cook it and most of the time (unless I mis-identified) the recipes were really good. I believe we will add bok choi and collard greens to our list of veggies-we-like-that-are-not-peas-and-corn. I'll get back to you on the kale - I ended up freezing it because all the recipes I found that looked yummy were for creamy potato soup and at 82 degrees with 75 percent humidity soup (particularly making it) sounds beyond horrible.
I am glad that as the season progresses we are getting more and more veggies that I recognize, like corn-on-the-cob. Mmmmmmm. Oh yes, and zucchini.
Posted by Sweet Em at 10:24 PM 6 comments
Labels: Domestic Goddess, Everyday Activities, Recipe, Veggies
This video shows Tessa singing along with the ABCs and then singing and doing the actions to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (any hand movement during Twinkle Twinkle is her doing the actions, whether or not it is recognizable, she does the same things everytime).
Posted by Sweet Em at 8:15 PM 3 comments
Third in our series of "The Udy Family takes a long weekend."
(I mean really, you'd think we took a two-week African safari with how long it is taking me to finish posting about it!)
Posted by Sweet Em at 1:05 PM 5 comments
Labels: Aaron, Aunt Alicia, Aunt Laura, Emily, Family Time, Fun, Photos, Tessa, Tourist, Travels
After the Whitmer homestead and the spider incident we headed to Palmyra.
On our way there we stopped at an veritable institution called "Chill & Grill." Very yummy - I'm adding that to my official recommended itinerary. Big burgers, lots of fries and a soft serve cone, size small, that will make you say "Thats a small?!" Guaranteed.
While there Tessa saw a big dog. She was brave enough to go with Aunt Laura to pet it.
After lunch we headed first to the Book of Mormon printing site. Then to the Joseph Smith farm and Sacred Grove.
I've been to the Sacred Grove a number of times and it is nice to be able to spend some time there absorbing the Spirit that exists. This time it was really nice to be there with my little girl - and my sisters. And of course the husbands as well.
Our last stop for that day was the Hill Cumorah. Aside from the sprinkler to the face that Aaron experienced it was a nice climb to the top of the hill and a nice place to rest for a bit.
Then we raced to Niagara Falls and our next campsite before dark when the office closed.
Posted by Sweet Em at 9:22 AM 3 comments
Labels: Aaron, Aunt Alicia, Aunt Laura, Mormon Stuff, Tourist, Travels
I hosted book club at my house last night. I thought, afterward, how much I love my book club. I know many people roll their eyes at "book clubs" but at this one - if only this one - we discuss the book, compare it to current and past social and political happenings and relate it to our lives, jobs and families. We disagree with each other on meanings of symbols, author's intents and personal beliefs but still carpool home together congenially. Oh, and I hear people using words that I haven't heard since 9th grade english. (Third-person omniscient comes to mind.)
It is invigorating, enjoyable and often-times hilarious.
So, for those who poo-poo book clubs, I dare say, you haven't visited ours!
This past month we read "Ella Minnow Pea" which was recommended to me by Mindy. It was a short read but brought up a lot of discussion about politics, the power of institutions, personal convictions, religion, and of course the alphabet.
I do tend to be frightened of spiders. They give me this vague panicky feeling that I think subliminally I knew could be uncontrollable if I were really threatened by a spider, however since I always stay far away from them it just existed as a hovering heart racing feeling.
And then one day I was sitting in a car with my husband and child and a daddy long legs crawled up my side. That was horrible enough, but then - it dropped down onto my seat and I lost track of it.
And I freaked out.
Yes - I was told as a child that daddy long legs have fangs (fangs for heavens sake) that are too small to bite humans, and I was in a moving car, and I am an adult and should be able to handle something like that.
BUT I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE IT WAS, and it could have easily been crawling ON ME.
So I commenced crying and hyperventilating and basically making a bit of a fool of myself.
Aaron pulled over as quickly as he could and I lept out of the car, and yes, the thought of stripping my clothes off briefly crossed my mind. luckily the spider was on the seat, was quickly brushed to the asphalt, and stepped on. I'm ashamed that the stepping on had more to do with my need to dominate it than with its actual threat to me at that point.
All told there were 5 daddy long legs riding with us in the car that day, one which I found on my head rest after getting out of the car after a 10 minute drive. Gulp.
Note: The spiders came from the wood we bought at one camp site and drove to another...don't ever, ever do that.
Note #2: Lest those readers familiar with the delicate daddy long legs of the southwest think I am a total wuss, this is what Daddy-Long-Leg spiders look like in upstate NY.
Posted by Sweet Em at 8:33 PM 4 comments
Our travels that day led us to Seneca Fall, NY. We went there to meet my sisters Alicia & Laura, and Laura's husband Connel. Laura and Connel live in Cleveland as of this past January and Alicia was visiting them as a graduation trip.
You know, the really nice thing about traveling with sisters is that when you call them the morning of the trip and tell them that you neglected to make reservations soon enough and plans need to change and that they now need to drive 2 more hours beyond the original plan they just say "okay!" and are still happy to see you when they get there!
We chose Seneca Falls because it was the closest, non-KOA, campsite to Palmyra, our actual destination. And oh what a serendipitous selection. You see this campsite was minutes from the Peter Whitmer farm, a location Aaron and I had never been in our previous 3 visits to Palmyra and that I didn't know we were near until I saw a sign while we were exiting the highway. And of course, Seneca Falls is the birthplace of the Women's Rights movement. I was very excited to visit both places!
In addition, Seneca Falls itself is a darling postcard-worthy American town. Completely adorable, but sadly, a victim, like most other towns in that region, of shifting economics which have left it economically depressed. The tour guide at the visitor center stated bluntly that people who live there either work at McDonalds or bring their money with them. I find towns like this remarkably heartbreaking.
Now, not only were we near places I was thrilled to visit but our campsite cost $13 for all six of us. Thirteen dollars! What a deal!Here I am making breakfast. Tessa woke me up at 6:30 after sleeping like a log all night. I thought I'd be awake by myself for a long time but Auntie Laura was up and at-em and ready to hold the baby. (yeah!) This picture shows two funny things...Connel is drinking out of a paper plate. We forgot cups so used our boyscout training to fashion a vessel out of paperplates. The coolest. The other thing you'll notice is Laura taking pictures. That pretty much illustrates her whole weekend, she puts Aunt Paula to shame!
Posted by Sweet Em at 9:27 PM 3 comments
Labels: Aunt Alicia, Aunt Laura, Family Time, Fun, gratitude, I Think, Mormon Stuff, Photos, Travels
Was last week.
We celebrated by taking a 6 hour car ride. Woo hoo.
The good thing is that he did get to sleep in, and didn't have to go to work.
The bad thing is that Momma slept in too and we didn't get on the road until 4 hours after we meant to. But, in Aaron's opinion having a well-rested wife, as opposed to a tired and, well, cranky wife, was worth the late start.
For his birthday he got a new camera. Luckily for me he has been really, really good at sharing. Yeah!
Posted by Sweet Em at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Aaron, Holiday/Celebration
Tessa loved the fireworks
Posted by Sweet Em at 10:48 AM 3 comments
Labels: Family Time, Holiday/Celebration
Posted by Sweet Em at 6:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Aaron, Holiday/Celebration, Photos, Tessa
That is Aaron's claim to fame. And it looks like Tessa will be following in his footsteps as she recently attended the parade in honor of the Celtics fabulous win in the NBA finals.Okay, okay - we really just went because we were in Boston on other business and decided to hang around for the "rolling rally" (fancy name for a parade).
The real bummer of the day - Tess and I were both wearing pink shirts (literally the only people in a sea of green) when we both had lime green pants sitting at home feeling neglected and unloved. (I still haven't gotten over it)
The really great part of the day. Cannoli's from Mikes Pastry!
Posted by Sweet Em at 5:54 PM 3 comments
Labels: Boston Fun, Fun, Photos, Shallow Thoughts, Yeah
(aka bad-parenting-witnessesed-by-all)
One day Aaron asked me out on a date. Our first since Tessa was born.
But we kept forgetting to hunt down a babysitter...and he got free tickets to a harbor cruise..and we really couldn't ask someone to babysit for 5+ hours.
And someone who went on the cruise last year told us that it was to benefit a children's charity and therefore shouldn't have too-much drunkeness (as these things tend to).
So we brought Tessa with us.
And she had a BLAST. She definitely earned the title "party animal" with all her dancing and smiling - just what you'd expect a girl to do if 150 people had gathered on a boat Just To See Her!
At 7:00, the beginning of the three hour cruise, we got a lot of comments like
"oh, how fun to bring her with you...I wish I would have done more of that with my little ones, now they are teenagers..."
Posted by Sweet Em at 5:32 PM 2 comments
Labels: Boat, Family Time, Fun
Here is a shout out to:
Posted by Sweet Em at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family Time, Friends, Tourist