While it is undeniable that Tessa and Meg adore each other there is still something wonderful about getting your Mommy and Daddy's full, undivided attention. Generally this happens when one kiddo is asleep and the other awake (ie, Meg gets the early morning attention and Tessa gets the night attention). They both glow when they are nestled between us reading stories in bed.
And speaking of that, Meg did get to go on a fun "date" with Mommy and Daddy in October (yes, 3 months ago...I'm behind) that I must brag about.
Because our stake lacks a stake center we have had all sorts of arrangements for stake conference. Its a good thing our stake center will be finished soon because it would be hard to top this last stake conference. With Elder Ballard slated to attend the crowd was expected to be huge - so - the adult session (held Friday night, to avoid Halloween) was held in...

Oh yes, and the message. I'd like to think that I would have made it such a priority to attend if the only draw was Elder Ballard. Yes - I think I would have. But I'll never really know because I was so pumped about having a service in such an amazing space. That said, I did really enjoy his message and the personal level at which he spoke to us. He said many things - but what has impacted my life the most since then is advice he gave that is applicable to anyone.