Sunday, January 6, 2008

At Grandma and Grandpa C's House

Christmas Eve we made the trek through the white and drifted snow to my parent's house. Christmas Eve was filled with the well-loved traditions of reading Poochy the Christmas Pup followed by the Christmas Story in the Bible. I know you've all heard the story from the Bible so you should put Poochy on your list of "must reads" particularly if you can have my dad do it with the voices...just be warned, sometimes he gets over excited and raises his voice. I didn't warn Tessa and she got scared, it took her a few days to trust Grandpa completely, although she would still smile at him, from a distance.

While at both family's Tessa met hundreds of new people (Aaron points out that this is a slight exaggeration) but as long as they were there to smile at her she didn't mind. The best people she met though were the cousins that were near her age. (Once again I request that anyone who took photos at Aaron's parents house forward them along because I don't have any.)

This is cute little Gage. I'm holding a place for someone to send me the picture of his sister Charlotte giving Tessa a kiss on the forehead, I'll assume no one got a picture of her pushing her brother over while chattering happily with Tessa.

Mommy got sick the last day we were in Idaho Falls but Daddy took good care of Tessa and I'm sure duly impressed the in-laws.


Alicia Campos said...

Emily i sent you a picture of Charlotte kissing tessa on the fore head a week or so ago so if you didn't get it i will send it again