Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Years (Blog) Resolution

In the past, on this blog, I've candy coated our lives deliciously. Which isn't necessarily bad but not entirely ... truthful. So my resolution this year is to add just a bit more of the "real" Emily.

This is a bit of a challenge for me considering the wide variety of people that I think might someday read this...I can't be entirely myself while worrying -

"What if a future or current boss reads this and thinks I'm either a moron or unprofessional?"
Or "What if Aaron's co-workers read this and think 'what is he doing with this moron?'"
Or "What if people in my ward read this and think I'm a moron?"
Or "What if my in-laws read this and think 'what is our son doing with this moron?'"
Or "What if my family reads this and thinks ... "

Well, I think you get the point. Yet, I have decided to face that real possibility and press forward. Now, you might not actually notice a huge change in the narrative, after all, I have a pretty sweet life and there isn't much "bad" to write about. And really, I'm not going to tell you anything REALLY bad that happens, or bad mouth any one person, or in anyway admit to illegal activity (not that there is any)...after all this IS the internet! I think what this means is there might be just the same amount of stuff about Tessa, including adorable pictures of her, and just a bit more about me. Lucky you...


Jamie said...

Honesty...refreshing. I don't think you've ever come off as being a moron. Maybe silly and goofy but let's face it, you're silly. *wink* Good luck with the resolution!

indeazgirl said...

I'm excited to get inside your head a little bit. Thanks for talking to Brad the other day..You are fantastic.