Friday, May 23, 2008

Did any one know...

...that on the end of the tin foil and saran wrap boxes there are little tabs you can push in that hold the roll in place so that it doesn't fall out when you pull it?

To me, this is pretty big news, but apparently this as been there for years. Yet I haven't met a single person who knew it was there. Go on, go check...

...see. So now you know.


Jamie said...

WWWOOOOOWWWWW!!!! That's awesome! And no, I'd never noticed before. And yes, that definitely makes it a lot easier! Thanks for the tip.

Maria said...

Wow, Congratulations! You've changed my life. Swell contraption!! :)

Emily said...

I knew it was there. That doesn't mean I ever use it. I rediscover it every time and have that "Oh yeah, I was going to remember that this time" moment each and every time. Thanks for reminding me... again.;)

LaQuejadora said...

I knew it was there...but it wasn't that long ago that I didn't...maybe a year or so. Isn't it great! What a embarassing conversation to be having at 28.

Lys said...

i can't wait to get home and find this awsome feature. it's definately going to make life easier. thanks!