Saturday, September 26, 2009

Brewster Beach

Day two of our annual Cape trip (2008, 2007)we decided to check out the beach on the inside of the Cape. We've always gone to the National Seashore which has great waves that crash into the beach. Its fun, but not exactly kid-friendly.

Truth be told, Tessa doesn't like the beach. It might be the waves, Daddy swimming in the waves, the hard-to-walk-on sand, or the bright sun. I say that because this none of those things were at this beach and she had a blast. At low tide the wet, firm sand stretched out as far as the eye could see, which wasn't far with the cloud cover.

Second truth be told, people as white as we are shouldn't be seen in full sunlight. Go ahead and agree, we aren't offended. (Unless the fear of seeing one of us in a bikini is the real reason our friends all decided not to join us on our camping weekend...hum?)

(Its a good thing I have Aaron around to do the really tough things, like ask the locals tending their oyster beds to take our picture - locals love that)

The video below makes me laugh so much. But you really may have needed to be there. Daddy and Momma had great plans for the architectural wonder they were going to construct. Tessa had a great time smashing any attempt (just like a little planning and zoning board). Aaron challenged me to stack the small bucket on top of the large bucket. At 0:10 seconds notice my attempt to distract Godzilla/Tessa.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rain Shmain. Sharks - Bah!

For a few years now, we've gone to the Cape just after Labor Day and have had great luck with the weather, the beaches and the (lack of) traffic and crowds. Last year we considered camping but I was early pregnant and in no mood for it. However the hotel we got was damp, dingy, and had a bug in the bed. Regardless of the low price we got, it was a rip off.

So this year we decided to take advantage of the low low rates of the DCR camp sites at Nickerson State Park. I'm giving it 5 stars. You know what? No. I'm giving it the 5 billion stars we would have been able to see if it hadn't been so cloudy and off-and-on rainy.

And there were sharks. Not at Nickerson State Park so much, but at some of our favorite beaches.

But because we are so hearty - we had a great time.

The trip started with the biggest miracle of the month. I MANAGED TO PACK THE CAR BY MYSELF (with a three foot tall helper). If you had any idea how my days usually go (a handful of half finished tasks littered about the house) you'd know this was aMAZing!

Actually - I think that anyone can appreciate this - the girls and I rolled out of the driveway 4 minutes after my target "leave time." This NEVER happens - tell me, does it happen for you? Because I don't believe it! I'm still on a bit giddy from the experience? (Of course, the high diminished bit by bit everytime we discovered that we didn't have x, y, or z. Luckily this is is Massachusetts, not the Yukon, so we just stopped at the store as needed. True adventurers.)

The camp site was great. Right on the pond, very near the toilets - what more could you ask for?

I'll tell you what you can ask for. Smores for your 10 am snack. The good life.

The first day we went to the beach was not too cold, but uncomfortably windy. We went to Race Point (far far away from the sharks) and sat on the beach a bit. Just as we got back in the car the sky opened up. Just as we got back to camp, it stopped. Another camping miracle.

Tessa at Race Point

Meg at Race Point -
can you tell she would strongly disagree with my statement that it wasn't "too cold."

Who packed galoshes for this kid? Give that person a gold star!

Stay tuned for pictures from the beach.
(Don't fear, no swimsuits were donned for these photos!)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Single U Single U F(amily) Wrestling

In this corner weighing in at 14 lbs and exactly 2 feet long is Meg "So Cute It Hurts" U**.

And in this corner we have Tessa "The Boss" U** who measures a full foot taller with exactly twice the weight.

Who's winning?

Its amazing the difference a foot and 14 lbs make.

Here's Tessa using her signiture move.
Let her roll herself over for the easy pin.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We've hit that stage...

While I'm doing okay at keep the girls alive, I'm find this "mother of two" business to be...challenging.


Well, you don't have to ask in "that tone." I know that others manage two just fine. And other-others have 3. Or 4. Or 5. Or 8 - happy, adjusted, dressed children. (Approximately 74% of my blog readers fall in one of those catagories.) But for me, two is kicking my trash.


Sibling rivalry has reared up in the form of an sweet, loving and uber-whiny/tantrumy pre-schooler and it is exhausting.


I really want to give Tessa a lot of attention because she is at such a fun age.


She has just hit the speech breakthrough that happens at this age and talks in complete, if not completely understandable, sentences. She is so sweet and loving towards Meg and is just plain silly!


Well I could go on about that forever so lets get back to the question at hand. It is exhausting to feel like I am not teaching/playing/challenging Tessa enough while in reality the the happy, content goo-goo-ing second born sits in the bouncy chair being neglected. (We refer to her as the PNSB.)


Because PNSB stands for Poor Neglected Second Born


Its an acronym.


It saves time - unless you have to explain it.


{exasperated sigh} Moving on.

I thought I'd like to have a big family (somewhere between 2 and 8 we were telling people) but now - - well, you might want to wait a few months before asking if we are going to have any more.


Because if every single child goes through this stage I don't think I've got enough answers to make it out alive.



P.S. Tessa hasn't been sleeping well AT. ALL. and this has contributed to the overall whiny/tantrumy levels here at home (both her and I). Aaron and I turned to "the google" to find out how to help. I searched "2 year old sibling rivalry" and this "article" claims that "As for the advantages of having siblings, I can think of none if the spacing is narrow (less than two and one-half or three years)." I'm completely dumbfounded by this statement. Yes - it is tough going at the moment, but seriously - NO advantages?!!? Thanks for the support.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Spell check

Um - BREATHE fresh air. How embarrassing.

The U**s breath some country air

A few weeks ago I gathered random stuff from the fridge to make a wrap.

Wheat tortilla, hummus, turkey, mozzarella, mustard and pesto. Something in the wrap just did not mix well. It may have been the hummus and mustard, or the pesto and hummus, or just the wheat tortilla, but whatever it was prompted me to txt Aaron to say that my lunch tasted like the horse shed at the fair smells.

Then one night in August when I was at my parents house I realized - that is also what Idaho smells like. {grin}

While in Idaho we took an opportunity to go on a very small hike, with some very small hikers.

Then we headed to dinner at Aaron's aunt and uncle's house is Ririe. Trust me, It dudn't git much mo cun'ry then that*. And Aaron proved to be the definition of "city kid" when he "stepped in it."

Tessa once again cast off the "timid" label by eagerly feeding year old cookies to the goats.And by running full speed back and forth on the trampoline. Next year - summer camp at Uncle John's house!

*Thanks to Heather for correcting my grammar and suggesting this vernacular spelling.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Puffy eye

Sunday morning - 3:30 am - I woke up to feed Meg and OH MAN my eye itched. I rubbed and rubbed and rubbed, then ran to check the mirror to see if I had pink eye. Nope. It was just my eyelid and it was nearly swollen shut.

This of course led to a middle of the night reading of my baby/breastfeeding reference guides to see if I could take benadryl. I did take it, the lowest dose of childrens benadryl - and no, it didn't work. And yes, it may have made me and Meg drowsy but it was 3:30am so...sue me.

In the morning my eye was still swollen and Aaron declared I should get back in bed. Was I contagious - no. But I was vain.

I took this picture around 11:00 am, after the swelling had gone down by half.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just for you Mom

They always hope you end up with a kid just like you but, I never thought that sounded so bad. I'm an alright person and as a kid, well, no real rebellion, running around, or general naughtiness from me. Good student, adorable.

Bring it on, I thought. Bring it on.

Then this week Tessa became the me that my mom was looking forward to seeing.
So, if you are my mom, or any of my (younger) siblings AND you can handle the sideways image (I'm still figuring out the new phone) I think you'll get a real kick of this.

Behold - the oldest child.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Museum of Science + Mommas favorite purchase of the year

Yucky Economy = grossy
Daddy Working 80% = grossy
Daddy having Fridays off = Sooooooooooo Cuke
Free passes to the M.O.S. for Salem residents = Soooooooo Cuke
New (to us) Stroller = Soooooooooo Cuke

Here is a picture of the stroller (and eager occupants) when we got to the Museum of Science.

And on the way home...

What the pictures don't show (because sometimes you just need to live the moment, not watch it through a viewfinder) is how amazing it is for a two year old to be able to push ANY button SHE WANTS, as OFTEN as SHE WANTS.

Or that Momma's amazing craigslist purchase can be steered with only one hand AND cost 1/5 the price as the other strollers I've been eyeing. Okay, continue to eye. In fact, eyed while at the museum and realized that I GOT A SCREAMING DEAL on a great stroller. This is easily my favorite purchase in recent memory. Granted, I can barely remember this morning...

(At the risk of sounding 2nd fav purchase is my new phone (free with rebate...and lifetime servitude to Verizon). The 1st picture was taken with my in-phone camera - the second with Aaron's. The resolution on mine totally eats his for breakfast.)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

And lest you think Meg has nothing cute to say

(This talking is also how Meg wakes me up when she is hungry at around 5-ish in the morning. Daddy thinks it is adorable, as he pulls the blankets tighter around his sleeping body. (Okay, I do to...but it is 5 AM))

Auntie Laura posted some cutie pie pictures of the girls and their cousins so check them out.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Glimpse: Funny things Aaron says

Aaron, absent-mindedly yet completely seriously, to coworker:
Hey D**, wanna catch the choo-choo with me?

Coworker (with daughters): Sure.

Coworker listening in (no kids): (insert laughter and ridicule)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mooching continued

When I was in Idaho I pretty much relied on my sisters to do all the childcare while I took a nap.

That shirking of responsibilities continues in blog-ville.

Read this hilarious post by my sister Alicia.

(And now comfort me in my guilt, Tessa fed this little guy a LOT, a number of times while we were visiting...I wonder if he died of high cholesterol or something.)